Wednesday, November 25, 2009

R2 Day 48 - Cardio X

I felt pretty good all day, and was ready for this one. I took it at about 80% and while it was challenging it didn't destroy me. I feel like if I do X Stretch and an ARX tomorrow I'll be right as rain to go hard for the next month and a half.
I picked up on a funny Tony moment in Cardio X that made me chuckle. When there's a couple of minutes to go he's just crapping on about stretching and then he says "What am I saying? I don't know what I'm saying" like an old man. Just a funny moment that I only noticed today after doing this workout a dozen times in the last year.
I feel like I'm ready to get involved with a computer game again after years of mindless slaughter and 15 minute thrill killings. I've ordered Mass Effect, and it's one of those games where you have to talk to people and find out things. I'm so used to shooting people in the head that I don't know how I'll cope. Speaking of shooting people in the head, the Left 4 Dead 2 Demo. Good. Unless you live in China, whoops, I mean Australia, because the Government has seen fit to censor the game. Society must be perilously close to collapse down there if they felt the need to tone down a game about shooting zombies. As mild-mannered Acting Regional Manager Keven Rudd would say, "Struth, fair shake of the ketchup bottle cobber, in due season." I should get the game tonight, so we will see how I go.

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