Sunday, October 11, 2009

R2 Day 4 - Yoga, ARX

Yoga is the best. My arms were sore from yesterday which made all the upward and downward dogging tough, but I got through it okay. Followed it up with Ab Ripper X. Took a break half way through and nearly fell asleep! I had a shitty night's sleep last night. I had some more of that Black Powder stuff before my workout last night, and I think it really messed with my synapses. I dreamt that my mother's father, who died before I was born of a brain hemorrhage, actually died of cancer, a strange cancer that disfigured the face and body and made bones grow outside the skin in concentric patterns like a peacock's feathers. I saw pictures of these people with this cancer like out of a Victorian freak show. I can still see them. Then I dreamt that mum had this cancer too, and she was being really horrible to me, and I just wanted her to die. When I woke up I forgot for a moment that she had actually died last year. I went back to sleep, and then I dreamt that I was meeting the Sydney Swans, maybe I was training with them or something, and they were all really shy and quiet, with the most pathetic handshakes you can imagine. I know other people's dreams aren't really that interesting, but I'm surprised I can remember them, so I wanted to get them down before I forgot. So I don't think I'll be having that powder again anytime soon.
I went to the Osu Kannon festival. Little disappointing, I must say. Just lots of food stalls and shops. I was expecting more performance artists. They were there, but not many of them, and kind of a sideshow to the main Japanese pastimes of eating and shopping. Still, Will and I had a great time. I'll put up some photos tomorrow. It's just that I'm not at work at the moment, so I don't have much time.

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