Tuesday, October 27, 2009

R2 Day 19 - Legs & Back

It rained all day today. When I got off my train at the station near my work I got my phone out to check the time (my phone is basically a pocket watch - no calls, three mails this month) and I dropped it. There were people everywhere and we all watched it tumble and clatter across the platform and down between the edge of the platform and the train that was stopped there and onto the tracks. I did say fuck and I didn't smile, but I didn't make a fool out of myself. So I waited around for the train to go and then I jumped down onto the tracks, grabbed my phone and jumped up again. Only a foreigner would do that. I should have called a station attendant and had him use an extension pole or something to pick it up but it would have been a big scene and it would have taken ages. No station attendant saw me so I was spared a lecture about being safe.
Today was Legs & Back. That pain in my neck came back again, big time. The first round of reverse grip pull ups, I strained to do 11, and bang! It's really painful and I can't find a stretch to get at it so it's really hard to warm up and prepare for it. For the rest of the workout I was careful not to overdo it. I would do five pull ups, get down, stretch a little, then do as many as I could without straining too much, then stretch a little, then do one or two more. When I do this, I'm careful to start at the bottom for my first pull up and not jump up to the bars, and conversely not let go from the top on my last one but lower myself down all the way. Otherwise I'm not doing it properly and the numbers won't mean much. I can do more than when I try to do as many as I can in one go, plus I don't get the pain in my neck (as often).
It's so nice knowing that Ab Ripper X doesn't come after Legs & Back. I'm doing it on the cardio days, not the resistance days. I'm also going to do it during the Recovery weeks, too. I didn't like not doing it last time. Felt like I was taking a step back. My first phase ends tomorrow. 3 weeks already. My results are comparable with the last week of round 1, so I'm going to really get strong the next two months and expect big things. A couple of things I can work on are ARX form, and diet. I bought a new yoga mat yesterday, but the skin on the sole of my big toe is still giving me trouble. I had to finish yoga in my sneakers, and I hate doing yoga in sneakers. Need to pay more attention to that. Also my right ankle is still aching a bit.
I finished the workout a little later than I wanted, and sat down to watch Mad Men at around 10:30. I thought I'd watch half of it and watch the rest at work tomorrow, but in this episode Don Draper was confronted with his secret past and spilt the beans, so I couldn't turn it off and I ended up watching the whole thing.

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