Wednesday, January 27, 2010

R3 Day 7 - Insanity Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

I got up this morning at 5:20 and went downstairs to do Insanity Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. I got half way through it when the battery on my iPod ran out. Bummer. I have all the workouts on my iPod, and I plug my iPod into the small TV I bought and that's how I roll. Occasionally this presents problems, like when I forget to charge my iPod. At full strength, it can play about an hour and a half of video through the telly, but this morning it only played about 20 minutes. Weird. Maybe it's getting on a bit. I use my iPod for these workouts, to listen to stuff on the way to and from work, and as a hard disk for stuff to watch at work. I bought it in 2006 and I love it. The day it busts is the day I go out and buy another one. I was reading an article somewhere about technology and the reader asked if we will feel the same nostalgia for our gadgets as older people feel for theirs, stuff like old wood-panelled radios and TVs they had when they were young. It was his contention that with this constant changeover of gadgets, always getting the next model and discarding the previous one, that we are missing out on having the relationship with gadgets that our parents and grandparents had. I can't help but think he is lumping everyone into the "I line up for two days so I can buy the new iThing" group. Or more precisely, the "I line up for two days so I can buy the new iThing and be the first person to say it sucks!" group.
Most people buy something and keep it and use it for years until it breaks or they lose it. Same as always.
I can't remember my parents shedding a tear when the rotary phone was ditched in favour of the push button phone. Remember when it sucked if someone had heaps of "0"s in their phone number? It would take ages to dial their number. Makes you wonder why the emergency number in Australia is "000". Use you fingers and imagine dialing 000 on a rotary phone. Finger in the hole, turn it all the way around, then let it turn all the back, and repeat two more times. It takes about 7 or 8 seconds just to dial. A long time if there's a murderer in the house chasing you. Also, I still have my Atari 2600, but I wouldn't waste my time playing it now because I know it would suck. Same with most old gadgets. If it's a matter of design, then the reader has a point. Even though big flat-screen TVs are awesome, there's no real design to them, is there. They are all screen. No buttons, dials, equalizer, speakers, nothing. It will be hard to remember the flat screen TVs we had when we get old and reminisce. I can get that. But when my iPod dies, I won't throw it out. Actually, I might. It's the leather pouch I keep it in that I won't throw out. I rarely see the actual iPod that's in it, to be honest. That's interesting. What's that Phillip K. Dick book in which everything regresses to a previous form of itself, kind of like the decomposition of technology? Ubik? Another thing: why are all the cars in movies set in the future these days Audis?
I may be rambling, and not making much sense.
So anyway, my workout died halfway through this morning. Nothing I could do. I'll have to buy a charger that plugs into the wall and run the iPod off that. The only charging I can do at the moment is through a USB cable, and the TV I bought doesn't have one.
I'm really enjoying Insanity. It's much more intense than P90X. Shaun T doesn't try to be an entertainer, he just tells you what to do and to keep going. I can't really hear much of what he says over the sound of my footsteps or my breathing anyway. Plus, I'm busy concentrating on Tania's chest, the Asian chick. She is a machine, and her breasts are great.
Tania (photo from Fitbomb)

The women in Insanity bring it way harder than the men do. One guy today was in trouble one minute into the first round! But these women seem to be working stuff out through mad cardio. So I'll scrap Pure Cardio and do Cardio Abs tonight, after popping in to an electronics store and buying yet another accessory for the gadget which I really have no emotional connection to but is so much a part of my life.
Will is back on a Thomas kick. I thought I was done with Thomas, or at least until Jo Jo starts getting into it. You could do a pretty good Marxist reading of Thomas and his desperate need to be a Really Useful Engine. Also, Workcare need to have a good look at the Sodor Railway. The amount of accidents they have is alarming. One every five minutes, by my reckoning. The new Thomas movies are all CG, and they look shithouse. I downloaded one and had a look at it, and erased it. Half the joy of watching Thomas is marvelling at the models and environments, and picturing owlish middle-aged Englishman drinking tea and making these multi-million dollar franchise DVDs. I'm hoping he graduates to Thunderbirds soon because the theme song is better. He's had a look at it, and likes it, but there's a lot of Lady Penelope stories that drag on a little. No rockets, no explosions. Just Lady Penelope and Max driving really fast.
Yesterday was Yoga and Ab Ripper X, but I only did Ab Ripper X because I wanted to go to bed a bit earlier. So this first week has had it's stops and starts, but all in all it's good to be back.

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