Thursday, February 12, 2009

Stacked my bike

I came off my bicycle riding home from the train station last night. It was dark and wet, and really hard to see, and I was kind of tuned in to the podcast I was listening to, when I noticed an old guy on a bike coming straight at me. He must have been only a couple of meters away when I noticed, and I was cruising at a reasonable speed. I don't know if he saw me or not. I have a light on my bike, and it was on. He didn't have a light on his bike. I bought my bike a month ago, a nice mountain bike. I kind of panicked and braked too hard, and the front brake worked too well and sent me flying over the handlebars and under this old guy's bike. "Abunai!" he said. "Look out!" and he came down on top of me. He got up and saw that I was a foreigner and rode off without another word. I would have been surprised if he didn't do that. I picked myself up and checked out the damage. Scraped left knee. My poor left knee! Scraped left elbow. And a pain just below my left shoulder where I must have fell on something pointy, handlebars maybe. A day later and I'm a little sore, but nothing permanent. I did Plyo this morning with no dramas. I am also going to do maximum pushups and maximum bicep curls before each warm down because there's not enough of that in P90 Master. I did 25 and 17 respectively this morning, not bad considering I was absolutely stuffed and sore from the stack. Also, I need to concentrate more on supplements and snacks, because every afternoon around three I'm toast.
There are too many old people here. And they don't sit inside and watch TV or whatever like they do in Australia. Here they are out and about all the time. Shopping, walking their dogs, riding bikes and scooters. It's terrible. There should be a public campaign here like there has been in Australia since I can remember that makes old people believe that the world is a scary place and if they set foot outside of their house or retirement village they will be bashed. I'm sure the old guy got a shock when he suddenly sees this guy flying through the air towards him. He's probably still wondering what happened. Ha!
BTW, here's the video Will loves. You might have seen it already.

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