Sunday, December 13, 2009

R2 Day 66 - Cardio X, ARX

Yesterday I did Back & Biceps, and today I did Cardio X and Ab Ripper X. I was meant to do Yoga today, but I owed a Cardio X from last week so I did that instead. Does that mean I owe a Yoga now? Perhaps. We'll see how I feel about it on Wednesday, my usual rest day.
Well, the end is in sight, and again I'm asking myself, what am I going to do when it's finished? Insanity is an option, but what about after that? I need a physical activity. My mate does Ju Jitsu, but he talks about how he sometimes spars with a Brazilian guy with long hair, and how he gets all caught up in this guy's sweaty hair. It almost make me puke thinking about that. I have a thing about wet other people's hair. Hiking, or mountain climbing is where I'm leaning. But what the hell do I know about mountain climbing? So I have a bit to think about in that respect.
So Tiger's quit golf. Indefinitely. To save his marriage. His marriage sounds like it is so corrupt, that it may be the corruption that is holding it together. If Tiger's not boning every single woman he can get his hands on, like he has been doing the whole time he has been married, can he stand being married and not doing that? Doubt it. God knows how bad it got. Orgies in Las Vegas, 10 to 15 women at a time is the latest rumour. I like the story of how some photograpers for the National Inquirer took photos of him screwing a waitress at the local coffee shop in his car in a church carpark, so to keep the photos from being released he did a cover shoot with their sister publication Men's Health, talking about his diet and workout regimen. Really I hate it.

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