Friday, January 30, 2009


I have decided to do the workouts in the morning this week, and on Wednesday night I set my alarm clock for 5. The cat woke me up at 4:45, so I got up a little earlier than I would have liked. Did Pylo, had a shower and a massive breakfast (protein shake with banana, porridge, 2 x toast) and felt good. It's nice to think that I'm done for the day and have the whole evening without having to try and squeeze a workout in somewhere.
When I got to work the boss said another section is moving next to our section, so we have to move a shitload of cabinets and desks to make room. That took two hours, and I was stuffed. I nearly fell asleep before lunch.
I see it has been stinking hot in Melbourne. I don't really miss those 40 degree days. I do miss the big storms that would come after a week of hot weather and cool things down.
Friday morning, up at 5, did Core Cardio. Man. After the workout I just lay on the mat and watched the steam come off me. Monday is a public holiday, and next week at work we start the four day/three day week cycle, so I'm going to have more days off than I have at work. Then in March, every week is a three day week. Then the baby is due and I'll be taking some time off to take care of Will while Junko is in hospital. If I can somehow keep this job until the economy picks up again, I'll be very happy. I don't think that will happen for a few years though. Probably a good thing I'm not in the real world.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jim
    It's been interesting reading your blog and you definitely have a talent for describing things as you see them. Some of your comments have got me remembering back all those years.
    First of all, I am very sorry to hear about your mum. I remember her as being a lovely friendly lady who always made me feel welcome in your home.
    Also your talk of storms after a hot spell made me remember the time when we were walking up to the Baysie shops from your place and got caught in a massive hail storm and had to take shelter under what is now "The Warehouse" in High St. ha ha ha it was fantastic!!
    Good luck with the impending arrival on your 2nd babe. It is such a special time when a newie comes home. I think 2nd time round you know what to expect and "enjoy" the experience a little more - that's what I found anyway.
    Keep up the exercise - you are doing a fantastic job ... makes me think I need to get off my butt and do some more!!
    Would love to catch up on the past 17 years :). Talk soon
    love Em
