I have to say that straight up I had a can of coffee while walking to work. I think I'm going to restrict myself to one a day, and only when I'm working. So that's three or four cans a week, instead of three or four cans a day. A considerable drop. I didn't have any KitKats after lunch today, a radical departure from the norm, but I did have a cup of Ecco, an "instant cereal beverage naturally free of caffiene". It was okay.
Last night Nori cancelled again because he was still in a meeting in Nagoya, so I thought I'd do the same thing as last week and go to the same bar and see if the people I met there last week were there again this week. But when I got there, it was closed! How can a place be open one Wednesday night and not the next? Where's the consistency? So I had to go to a net cafe and kill an hour rather than go home and have my deception exposed. A bit of a bummer.
Today a co-worker gave me a Japanese rhinoceros beetle larva for Will. His daughter's beetle had babies, so they're giving them away. These things are huge in Japan, every young boy owns one and fights them with his friend's beetles, and they look pretty cool. I don't know how Will will go with it, because it looks like a big witchety grub at the moment and will for a while yet, until next summer. We'll see how we go.
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