Thursday, July 22, 2010



1 comment:

  1. I'm having trouble posting comments to your previous blog entry. Hope this one sticks here.

    I'm sorry to hear about your troubles man. And I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner to this post as I've been out of the blogging loop for a while. Like you, I find it hard to keep writing when really life is kinda just in this cyclical state of the doldrums (a steady condition of just 'bleh'). Work on what you need to work on and I hope and pray you get to where you want (and need) to be. Life's too damn short not to be happy -- or at least fight to be to be happy (cliche but true). I too have found myself just settling in the past on 'getting by' and accepting the rut I'm in. It wasn't a good space. I think that's the whole reason I went on the fitness kick in the first place. It was at least one thing I had complete control over and thought... if everything else is going to shit at least this can be a positive spot in my life.

    Ah jeez... sorry for rambling.

    You're a good writer. You should keep it up in one form or another (even if it's not public).

    I'm going to end on a story from Japan when I lived there. I became really good friends with a guy who worked at a rough rural high school (y'know the low level ones where the kids don't really care about their education because they get called on in the middle of the school year to harvest crops). He was in charge of discipline and busting the kids' chops. He was also the martial arts instructor for their phys. ed.

    Well, he was also a flirt when it came to the enkais. He would make the moves on the ladies and what not. But everyone knew he was married and had 2 kids. During a quiet time when we were having a guy talk (he and I were completely sober), I asked him if he ever thought of cheating on his wife. He said yeah... all the time. I asked him if he ever did. He paused, let out a long sigh and said "no". I pushed on a bit further and asked "Why not?" I mean, you know how the Japanese work... they're at their damn jobs at all hours of the day and there is a complete divide in terms of spousal space and work space (ie they don't mix).

    His reason for not cheating was SOLELY because of his kids. If nothing else he felt he had to maintain some semblance of honor in his life for them. Take that for what you will because he was a big flirt.

    I honestly don't know why that story came up. But reading this entry just brought up memories of Japan again and all the strange and interesting people I met there.

    God keep you, Jim.

    Rommel (the Ninja)
