Monday, October 25, 2010

Round 4.1 Day 55

Wassup? Trip is all booked, and now I'm just trying to work out what days I'm going to do this and that, and how I can squeeze golf and beers in there somewhere. On Saturday I went to the doctor's. Last week I visited a dermatologist about a mole on my back that is getting bigger. I think I've mentioned it in the past. It doesn't hurt and it isn't itchy, but it's there, so I should do something about it. So the doctor refers me to another doctor, and Will and I went there. When we were called in Will asked the doctor if I was going to get a needle. The doctor said maybe not, but I did end up having to give some blood. Will told me not to cry. I didn't. They are going to cut the mole out in a couple of weeks. First time I've gone under the knife. I hope they sew it up properly so I can keep exercising without having it ripping open on me. Will was wearing a Tyrannosaurus Rex hat his auntie Tokie gave him, which looks like he's carrying a T-Rex on his shoulders, so all the nurses had a giggle.
I've had a big weekend workout-wise. Chest & Back Friday, more push-ups and pull-ups than ever, then a 4.8 km run on Saturday (6 x 800), and then Just Arms yesterday. The run was interesting because I resolved to do the entire run in POSE style, trying to stay off my heels and get that "4" shape going. After a while it felt really good, but my calves are killing me today. The workout is going to culminate in a non-stop 5 km run, something I don't think I have ever done before, and I expect to do it easy, and I'm actually looking forward to it. I think at some stage I'm going to spend some dosh on a good pair of shoes and a nano. Carrying around my big old classic ipod when I run is a pain in the ass.

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