Saturday was pool, then some shopping. It was supposed to be Will's sports day at school, but it rained all day and was posponed until Monday, a public holiday. Sunday was English Playgroup, but Will and I were the only ones who turned up. Disapointing, but oh well. I guess everyone was pretty busy with their kid's sports day and stuff. Then on Monday we had Will's sports day. It was pretty fun, if long. Will did really well. Last year he suffered because he had no idea what was going on at the starting line, and missed the start by about 2 seconds. This time he was ready. He was poised to go, and Junko and I shouted something about listening to the teacher and being ready to go and he shouted "Wakatta!" (I know!") and everyone laughed. He did good, finishing second behind a really fast kid. He was pretty happy. So a big few days, then I took yesterday, Tuesday, off work and we went to Japan Monkey Park, which at the moment has a dinosaur display! Since Will found a brochure about six weeks ago he has been dying to go, and then yesterday we finally went. Three huge robot dinosaurs, growling and roaring etc, and some activites like digging up fossils and riding a small triceretops. Well, it took us an hour to get there by train and bus, and he balks at the entrance. Too scary. You could hear the roars from outside the pavilion. I tried dragging him in, but I feared I might do some mental damage. He was crying and shaking. All I thought is that if I don't get him in there now, all he will want to do as soon as he gets home is come back and see the dinosaurs. I'd put up with a month and half of it, and I was going to end it now. So we sat down, and I delivered a speech. "I know you're scared, but you're brave, and you're going to do it anyway." I drilled this into him and got him pumped up, and said "C'mon!" and high fives and then we went in, just hammered in until we were face to face with the T-Rex. He was scared, but I think that's okay. I think it was exhilarating for him. There's no point reading about and watching and drawing dinosaurs for weeks and weeks without being a little scared of them, because they would rip his guts out in a second if they were around now, and you should respect that. Anyway, he had a great day, and Japan Monkey Park isn't a bad place. You can get pretty close to the Monkeys. Here's a picture of Will and his friend Kai with a King Julian monkey.

Workouts good. Ran 4 km on Saturday, X-Stretch on Sunday, Shoulders & Arms on Monday, and Killer Abs yesterday. Got Legs & Back tonight after Nori's lesson (if I have a lesson with him, he's cancelled the last two weeks). Going to try for 40 pull ups tonight.
Did you see the article in The Age this morning about a study that says house prises will rise 20% in the next three years? The Sydney Morning Herald called the company that created this study, BIS Shrapnel, "a respected business forecaster ". It is a PR company and was commisioned (paid) by QBE to do this study. QBE owns and runs LMI mortgage insurance, which makes money when you take out a mortgage, and probably makes more money when you can't pay it. It's advertising. It's criminal. Do Australians know that Perth and Queensland are already crashing? Not if they read the papers they don't.
Anyway, I'm sure everything will be fine. Australia is different, you know.
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