So I finished my workout and was showered by 10:45, and I sat down with my shake to watch the first half of Swans Hawthorn. What a tough game. I watched the third quarter this morning, too. This is the first time I have seen Sam Mitchell play well. Usually Kirk just destroys him, and he had a shocker in the Grand Final last year, so it was a surprise to see him play well. Buddy too, though he's always a chance to miss. Hawks have a lot of injuries, but good. I hope they lose. I'll probably watch the end of the game at lunch today. Win or lose, the Swans are going to have to drop Buchanan. He hasn't done a thing right all year. It's a shame because he was so good last year. Bird is playing awesome, and so is Jack. They both really lifted in the third quarter. A couple of times the Hawks have got to four goals in front, and boy do they love to celebrate. I don't mind seeing that. If you're jumping around and pointing to the crowd because you kicked a goal to put your team four goals up against the Swans with a quarter and half to go, you've got the wrong attitude. You're team might still win, but it's nowhere near over.
Today's Katakana: レゲエおじさん "regeiojisan" – "lit: Old reggae man." This is what the young people are calling old homeless guys with filthy dreadlocks.
Just finished watching the game. Barry Hall WTF!? And Paul Roos, for god's sake, never let Rees Shaw play the last three minutes of any game ever again. How often does he need to kick it to the opposition under pressure for you to realize that he is a hack who couldn't make it at Collingwood because he couldn't be trusted with the ball? He can run and bounce the ball. So what? Drop Buchanan. Drop Shaw. Drop Hall. And don't replace them with other gimps like Ablett who can fuck up and cost us games. Goodes, Kirk, Bolton, Mickey O, O'Keefe, Jolly - just let them do it. They're all in career form. They would be winning games if these other morons weren't getting the ball. Also, I'm getting sick of Hodge playing when he's injured. My effing hero. You're not that indispensible! Get off the ground! *sigh* I guess the upsetting thing is that usually we win the close ones. I'm going to look at the papers to read all the Barry Hall hating that I'm sure is going on.
"I've got 11 weeks to prove myself," he says. You've already proved it, mate. You are a child.

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