The workouts have been going great. I am so sore after this first week of phase 2. After each workout I am left a sweating mess of a human, and if someone were to have popped their head into the garage this morning after I had finished Ab Ripper X, they would have seen me lying on the mat in a fetal position. I'm doing all of the reps now, all 339 of them, but it's fair to say my form could use some work. It's just so nice to finish them and have it done for another few days.
Yesterday we had a good day. The family went down to the photo studio for a family portrait with Jo Jo, but we had to wait around for ages while a couple had their four year old daughter dressed like Cinderella pose in front of a picture of a castle. They were never happy with the photos that were being shot because, frankly, the little girl wasn't that pretty. But finally they got it done, and we took our positions, except Will who was tired and sick of it all and kept picking his nose. So it took a while to get some nice shots. I haven't actually seen them yet, but I'll try to put one up when I get them.

After that we went to sushi, and I ate heaps. Then we went to a shrine and had Jo Jo blessed. We went to Rokusho Shrine which was founded in 1602 by Tokugawa Ieyasu, who was born in Okazaki and was the greatest Shogun in Japan's history. Apparently, until the 1890's, only lords were allowed to climb the stairs to the temple. And here I am, a shit-kicker foreigner with a couple of mongrel kids jogging up them. Fuck you, rich old dead Japanese dudes. We paid about $70 and the priest took us into the shrine and he did some chanting. It was really beautiful inside, with amazing wooden carvings. Will thought it was a little scary, but he was very curious, and ended up loving it. I had to do something with a branch. The priest gave it to me and told me to turn it around so the end was pointing to the middle of the shrine and then put it on a table and bow, but I have no idea what it signified. It was funny to hear the priest chanting. No-one can understand what he's saying, it sounds more like, a chant, I guess, der. But every now and then it was like "humnahumnahumnahumna JOSEFU humnahumnahumna." Then it was finished and we went home.
Junko's sister and her family came over on their way to dinner, and Will kind of invited himself, so they took him to dinner with them which was nice. Sushi again. I bet he regrets it now because they are the slowest family in the world. Everything is up to a very indecisive 13-year girl, their daughter Rino. She wanted to eat sushi at a restaurant an hours drive away, so that's where they went. You often hear that here. "Oh, little Hiro wants to eat steak, so we are going to an expensive steak restaurant miles away." When I tell them that in Australia, children are to be seen and not heard, and nobody gives a shit what they want to eat and they get what they are given, they are shocked. Then I slap Will in front of them for no reason and make him cry. "See?" I say. "We are barbarians." No, I don't do that, but there's no way I'm going to let Will decide what I'm going to eat, unless he gets a job and wants to treat me. Will didn't come home until 10 o'clock at night, dead tired. But then he shat his pants during dinner apparently, so I'm sure they're sorry he came too.
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