We've been crazy busy the last couple of weeks at work. I haven't had time to write the usual amount of blogs. One thing I don't like about blogs is that people just stop writing them. You get into them, and then the frequency drops off, and then they stop all together. I've just been too busy. So, some milestones have been reached recently. I was 35 on Sunday. Dayum. On Saturday night the three of us went to my favourite restaurant "Cannery Row" (they have a salad bar!) and we pigged out on pasta and cheese fondue. It rained all day Sunday, so we didn't do much. I got one present; a pair of dishwashing gloves from Junko. She said it was a joke, but there was no serious present. Easily the worst birthday ever in terms of gifts. But hey, 35. Grown up. I didn't let it upset me. I'll buy my own presents. For dinner the three of us and the folks went to Yakiniku, which I love. The tables in the restaurant have a built-in gas flame grill, and you order plates of sliced raw meat, and when they come you cook them yourself on the grill. I can't imagine having these in Australia. Can you imagine the public liability insurance the restaurants would have to get to pay out all the Aussies burning themselves? So I OD'ed on beef Sunday night. Fair to say my "No Shit Food Week" was a complete failure. I did eat less snacks and chocolate and stuff, but I think that was because I was always full all the time. So a good birthday.
The workouts have been going well. Today marks 6 months since I started P90, which means a couple of weeks ago was 6 months since I stopped smoking. I can't say I didn't realize that on March 13, but it just seemed like no big deal. Tomorrow will be 70 days since I start
Well, after Wednesday, I'm taking a month off maternity. I'm entitled to 2 months, but with the economy as it is, probably not a good idea. Junko will be in hospital for 10 or 11 days, and I will be looking after Will. Then, when she's home, I'll be looking after her and Joseph, too. It'll be hard to squeeze in workouts while she's in hospital, but I'll manage. The week with Will will be a test, but I'm ready with a long list of stuff we can do. Anyway, till then, see ya!
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