But if a chiropractor can crack my back, then that would be awesome. He's going to tell me that one leg is longer than the other, which is what they all say. But it might account for the curvature of the spine. It would make a good post for a blog, too. Dammit, I'll do it!
So what to do about the exercises? It's a shame because I was just starting to really hit my stride. I think week 7 will have to be written off. I'll take Monday and Tuesday off, Wednesday is my rest day, and start "No Pause Week - Redux" on Thursday. This will put the completion date back a week, to April 21. I think the problem is the sit ups. On Saturday I did one exercise called "leg lifts" which is just lying on your back raising your straight legs of the ground. I did them with my hands behind my head when they should have been under my ass. I remember thinking "Man, this doesn't feel right." I think I'll just do an hour stretching tonight and tomorrow night and see how that goes. If it doesn't hurt doing pushups I'll do them and the bicep curls. Apart from that, not much else I can do.
You might not know it from this blog, but I'm going to become a father again in a few weeks. It's another boy, and we've decided to name him "Joseph." There is no reason why we chose this name. Junko is booked in for another Cesarean on the 26th of March, and I'm going to take a month off work to look after Will while she's in hospital and after she comes home. I cannot really describe how I feel about this baby. I forget that we are actually having another baby most of the time. Last time it was all about Will, Will, Will for months before he was born. Gotta get this, gotta do that, wow, isn't it going to be amazing etc.. This time it's more, oh yea, when the Masters is on the baby will have been born. I guess the pressure is off for little Jo-kun.
I wonder what kind of life these brothers are going to have here. They won't lack for anything, this isn't Somalia, but they will be raised in a Monoculture that rejects anything different. Same is good, different baaaad. Junko doesn't like to see it, but I see it all the time. People, his own relatives, not speaking to him because they are not sure he understands Japanese. Other boys running away from him or treating him like a curiosity. When I think about this, I get upset, of course, just like when any parent thinks about their child being teased or bullied. I have two things to teach my sons. English, and how to win fights. If they can just just keep it together until they get into high school, man, the pussy they are going to get!
Speaking of fights, I saw "Changeling" on Thursday. Angelina Jolie is way too thin. But halfway through the film, she says to her son, "Never start a fight, but always finish it." I thought, "That's funny. That's what Captain Sheridan's father always always told him on Babylon 5." Didn't think anything else about it until the end credits when the writer's name came up. J. Michael Straczynski, the guy who made Babylon 5. There you go. I also saw "Valkyrie" last night. I have to say, easily the best movie I have seen for a long time. Very, very tense. My heart was still beating hard when I tried to go to sleep after watching it. It's funny how the whole world likes to bag Tom Cruise now. He has been making quality movies for 20 years. But we have to think he's weird because his god didn't walk on water and come back to life as a completely different person after being dead for three days before flying up to heaven, but instead blew a bunch of aliens up in a volcano which now live in everyone and need to be expunged. Who cares. If he can make a movie I can actually sit through then he is a champion. Couldn't sit through Dark Knight. Turned off Blindness after five minutes. I can't bring myself to watch Role Models, Slumdog Millionaire. Revolutionary Road? Relax, you guys aren't that special! Body of Lies was ok. I want to see Watchmen, but it's the guy who made 300. I like to tell guys who liked 300 that it is the gayest movie ever made, and watch them reel in shock as they realize Yes, it is gay. And I loved it. That must mean I am gay too.
In other news, Geoff Ogilvy won again this morning. Could he issue the challenge to Tiger? Hope so. His 2006 US Open win was awesome. Chips in on 17, then a perfect drive into a divot on 18, great 8-iron that hits the front of the green and rolls off, sweet chip up to four feet, and holes the putt for par. I don't know how he stayed upright under all that pressure, let alone make that great par on the last. That tournament will always be known for Phil Mickleson and Colin "Mrs Doubtfire" Montgomery (is that the greatest nickname is sport or what? Some one in the crowd yelled it out a few years ago and it has stuck) double-bogeying the last to lose, but Geoff won it in style. I used to go out with a girl whose best friend was

So no Tiger video today. In fact, I'll only put up the occasional one from now on. But here is a video of chickens breaking up a fight between two rabbits
and one amazing rooster.
The next few days are about healing. Then it's time to rip shit up and BRING IT! Again!
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