Thursday, June 17, 2010

Round 3: Day 85 - Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance

I woke up this morning at 5 and lay there for a while, and then decided to get up and do the workout that I missed yesterday. P90X+ Upper Body. The X+ workouts are shorter, and not really harder. Just faster. They are more time based instead of rep based. I had a good workout, nothing real intense, but it got me moving and sweating, and the shake afterwards was awesome.
I'm having problems with the Insanity workouts though. I can't get through them. I had a bit of asthma on Saturday, and I just couldn't get the thought out of my head as I wheezed through the warm up, "Why am I doing this?" The last two Insanity workouts I have thought this, and they have both sucked. I got halfway through the last round in both of them and then I turned it off. I'll keep going though, and maybe one day I can get my head right and complete one of them without stopping. That would be an achievement.
So the world cup is on. I see Australia got spanked. Perhaps it's because I'm a golfer, and golf karma is real, but I hate how soccer players celebrate when they get a goal. Hey buddy. You haven't won it yet. Celebrate when it's over. Or maybe they're just celebrating the new contract Nike will surely offer their manager in the next few days. I especially hate when they celebrate kicking a goal from a penalty. Dude, you were supposed to kick it. Anyway, it'll be over soon. I just can't get into soccer.
I threatened this last blog, and it is very close to happening now. I'm going to start a writing blog. The story is about a young Lebanese rapper trying to make it on the mean streets of Sydney, battling racism and the pressure to join a violent street gang, all the while trying to win the heart of his blond private school girl sweat heart by winning a rap-off. No, not really. It's about the first manned mission to Mars and a problem they encounter. I'm trying to get the blog template set up, which is a bitch. HTML stuff, of which I know nothing about. I'll do a couple of pages a week, and see how long I can keep it going. Some of the names are going to be familiar. I just use names that I know and like, and I don't put much thought into them, and now that I've written some stuff I couldn't be bothered changing it. So don't worry too much if a character called Jim is stabbing to death someone with your name. Means nothing.
I see everyone hates Kevin Rudd now. Strange what's going on. From my understanding, it seems that he wants to increase taxes on mining companies, who have made billions and billions of dollars taking natural resources from Australia and selling them to China and America. But the long held belief in Australia is that we avoided the global recession because of this mining boom, and what Kevin is doing threatens everything. EVERYTHING! Probably not a good sign if the mining companies, beholden to China, have more support than our own Prime Minister. Anyway, Abbott for PM! Why not? Who gives a fuck. He's mad too.
Speaking of Prime Ministers, Japan has a new one! Kan-san. The eighth one since I've been here. Let's run through the list.
Obuchi - Stroke made him a vegetable.
Mori - Continued to play golf after being told that a US sub had accidentally risen up into a Japanese ship, killing a few Japanese on board. Finished.
Koizumi - Probably the guy most people know as the Japanese PM. He had the hair. Was PM for 4 years or something.
Abe - Quit because he had a bowel problem.
Fukuda - Famous for his quote to a journalist "I am different to you."
Aso - I don't know why he quit. Maybe he's just an aso.
Hatoyama - Reneged on a promise to shut down an American base in Okinawa, I think. His wife claims to have met aliens.
So now we have Kan, who recently said that he wanted to created "a society with a minimum level of unhappiness." Stirring stuff. But from all accounts he seems a pretty sensible and capable guy. He also threatened everything by saying that Japan faced a Greece-style collapse if they didn't do something soon. Whoa. A little too real, Kan. Calm down, you're gonna get yourself voted out pretty quickly if you keep that up.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha... your posts always make me laugh cause of how brutally frank you can be sometimes. Glad to see you're blogging again. I'll be checking out your writing on the other one whenever you get it up and running.

    I should've written this earlier last week but I'm sorry to hear that your attempt to get work in Australia fell through. Shit like that can sting... hard. Hang in there and ... well, if you're like me, I try to find happiness wherever it may be that I'm stuck in. At least you're in much better health than like 95% of the population on this planet!

    As for the Insanity, don't sweat it too much (literally). I had to take a couple of seconds break here and there throughout the entire thing every routine. Shaun T makes it easy cause that fucker walks A LOT from participant to participant (so does Tony)... haha that always bugged the shit out of me with the Beachbody instructors. They front that they can do the routine but in reality they maybe only do like 40% of it as they just walk and talk for a good chunk of the dvd.

    One thing I hate about that program is that there is no modification for it. It is just BALLS TO THE WALLS CARDIO... which can really mess up your knees and stuff if you don't moderate it. It's not a program that I could see anyone doing for like a full year.

    Hang in there and keep writing!

