Wednesday, December 30, 2009
R2 Day 83 - Rest
I did Cardio X and Ab Ripper X yesterday, and had a rest day today. I've been thinking about some New Year resolutions lately. Usually the two that have been on the top of my list for years and years was to quit smoking and get healthy. Well, I've done those two, and I didn't need no stinkin' arbitrary date to do 'em, neither. (Sorry, been watching a lot of Friday Night Lights.) I'll put them up on January 1st. The nice thing is that I know from experience that if you have a goal, and work towards that goal just a little bit every day, then you will reach that goal. Simple, really.
Monday, December 28, 2009
R2 Day 81 - Legs & Back
Let's run through the last few days for the record, because I got a little confused yesterday. Today, Legs & back. Yesterday Plyo, ARX. Day before Back & Biceps. I'm not actually sure what day this is. According to my schedule I'm on day 82, but I haven't been writing on my schedule, but using this blog to keep track of where I'm at. With all the chopping and changing, I'm a day or so out of whack. Oh well. I do know that I've got one more week of phase three, then a recovery week, then I've finished my second round of P90X. This round will have lasted about 98 days because of the extra week I added for being sick (sound like a punishment), so even though I've lost track, there's no doubt that I will do the 90 days.
My legs were a little unsteady today because of Plyo yesterday, but I broke the 100 pull up barrier again, which I'm happy about. Only one more Legs & Back to go! Having to do this workout another 12 times would be a huge hurdle to overcome if I was going to do another round of this. It is the tough one. The first round is harsh. The second is not so bad, but it's more psychological. Pressing play and hearing Tony talking about how he likes skiing, then hearing the music, and seeing Dreya and Sophia and the guy (forget his name) and I just think Ughh.
If I'm going to do something after this, I'll do a combination of Insanity and P90X, Insanity and One on One with Tony, or just Insanity.
Anyway, got to go.
My legs were a little unsteady today because of Plyo yesterday, but I broke the 100 pull up barrier again, which I'm happy about. Only one more Legs & Back to go! Having to do this workout another 12 times would be a huge hurdle to overcome if I was going to do another round of this. It is the tough one. The first round is harsh. The second is not so bad, but it's more psychological. Pressing play and hearing Tony talking about how he likes skiing, then hearing the music, and seeing Dreya and Sophia and the guy (forget his name) and I just think Ughh.
If I'm going to do something after this, I'll do a combination of Insanity and P90X, Insanity and One on One with Tony, or just Insanity.
Anyway, got to go.
Friday, December 25, 2009
R2 Day 77 - Yoga, ARX
Hey, Merry Christmas everyone. I'm at work, and there's not much to do because it's the end of the year and a lot of people are taking sickies to get an early start to the holidays. Working on Christmas sucks, but at least I'm not busy. I haven't done Plyo or Ab Ripper X yet today, but I will. Pretty sure I will.
EDIT: Nup. Too tired. I did Yoga instead.
We celebrated Christmas yesterday. It was a nice day. The kids played with their presents, we ate well, generally relaxing. Except for poor Jo Jo, who has a respiratory virus. He's coughing all the time and is very wheezy. I feel really sorry for him but there's not much we can do about it. Just make sure he gets enough fluid and let him rest if we can. Poor little Joey Jo Jo.
I did Chest, Shoulder & Triceps, which is one of my favourites. Those weighted circles are killers. Burn burn burn!
I've found a TV show to carry me through this festive season. Friday Night Lights. I don't know anything about American Football, but they must take it pretty seriously in small towns in Texas if this show is any guide. The high school teams even have full-time coaches! Assistant coaches! The money must be incredible. Good show.
EDIT: Nup. Too tired. I did Yoga instead.
We celebrated Christmas yesterday. It was a nice day. The kids played with their presents, we ate well, generally relaxing. Except for poor Jo Jo, who has a respiratory virus. He's coughing all the time and is very wheezy. I feel really sorry for him but there's not much we can do about it. Just make sure he gets enough fluid and let him rest if we can. Poor little Joey Jo Jo.
I did Chest, Shoulder & Triceps, which is one of my favourites. Those weighted circles are killers. Burn burn burn!
I've found a TV show to carry me through this festive season. Friday Night Lights. I don't know anything about American Football, but they must take it pretty seriously in small towns in Texas if this show is any guide. The high school teams even have full-time coaches! Assistant coaches! The money must be incredible. Good show.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
R2 Day 75 - Cardio X
Today my company released its new corporate identity. This is a translation of the first paragraph of the new corporate mission staatement.
"We have a vision to fulfill the future dreams of the people of the world and to constantly strive for new value and contribute to a thriving society."
Smell that? There's six more paragraphs, including "Value today over yesterday and tomorrow over today" and "Bring wonder and passion to the world". Marketing. That's where the real work is done.
Will and I went down the shop to buy Santa a beer last night. We are going to leave out a couple of biscuits and a beer for Santa tomorrow night. Can you remember coming into the kitchen on Christmas morning and seeing crumbs on the plate and an empty beer can on the table and thinking that Santa (or Father Christmas, as he was back then) had actually sat there sometime during the night and had them? Wasn't that a great feeling? I have to work Christmas day and Boxing day (that's what you get for living in a country of heathens) so we are going to celebrate Christmas on the 24th, which is a day off for me. After Boxing day I get about nine days off. It's really cold and there's not a lot to do during the break. I have to relax and not be so restless this break. Just relax, get my mind right, and bring it! It's nearly over.
Speaking of which, I did Legs & Back last night. Pat myself on the back and give myself a handshake ('cause everything is not yet lost! FNM) because I broke the barrier. 102 pull ups. Yes, baby. And I kind of did Cardio X tonight. I was tired and intensity was low so it was a bit of a waste of time. Tuesdays always seem to be a struggle. I'll try to fit in a Yoga and Ab Ripper X tomorrow sometime.
So what is Christmas in Japan like? Basically, Christmas in Japan is for young unmarried couples. Just as in ancient times, they go to KFC for ye traditional Yuletide offerings, and then they will travel from hotel to hotel, just like Mary and Joseph did, except they'll be looking for a spare room for three hours to have sex. No-one knows how KFC came to be associated with Christmas in Japan, but when KFC got a sniff of it they really pushed it in its advertising, apparently. This is decades ago. KFC is really popular here despite the fact that they don't actually use real chickens but use the offspring of rats and pigeons (according to Ben Elton). The hotels are called love hotels, and they are everywhere, and you can rent a room for a few hours for $50 or so. It's all automated so you don't have to actually meet anyone on your way in or out. You can get themed rooms, from Hello Kitty rooms to mad S&M rooms. I have heard of a room in Tokyo that has no furniture and the entire floor of the room is covered with dirt. If this room doesn't actually exist, you have to ask, why not?
Tomorrow is the Emperor's birthday holiday, but I have to work. I don't know much about the royal family here. They all look the same. A month or so ago they had a concert to celebrate the 20th year of the reign of the current Emperor, Hirohito's son. They held it at night outdoors, and they had the Emperor and his wife (they must both be in their 70's) stand on a nearby bridge and watch the concert, featuring all the latest boy bands and cute singers. How they stood there for what must have been an hour and a half watching these shitty performers promoting their new singles astounded me. Respect for that. Poor guy's a prisoner of history.
Technically I haven't bought my wife or sons anything for Christmas. In terms of my wife, the policy we seemed to have developed is that in the months approaching a birthday or Christmas, we can each make a big ticket purchase, and the other will say "That's your (Christmas) present." For example, my wife's birthday is in late September, and in August she bought some Birkenstock sandals. Bang. There's your birthday present, I said. Happy birthday or whatever. I can do this because it's my money that she's using. When you think of it, her Christmas or birthday present to me is just letting me buy something without the grief. I'll take it. As for my kids, we only recently gave Jo Jo the gift of life. That's his Christmas right there. Will has gifts from his grandparents, his Auntie Leigh, and others, so there you go. Does he need any more? No. I think Junko bought them something, anyway.
"We have a vision to fulfill the future dreams of the people of the world and to constantly strive for new value and contribute to a thriving society."
Smell that? There's six more paragraphs, including "Value today over yesterday and tomorrow over today" and "Bring wonder and passion to the world". Marketing. That's where the real work is done.
Will and I went down the shop to buy Santa a beer last night. We are going to leave out a couple of biscuits and a beer for Santa tomorrow night. Can you remember coming into the kitchen on Christmas morning and seeing crumbs on the plate and an empty beer can on the table and thinking that Santa (or Father Christmas, as he was back then) had actually sat there sometime during the night and had them? Wasn't that a great feeling? I have to work Christmas day and Boxing day (that's what you get for living in a country of heathens) so we are going to celebrate Christmas on the 24th, which is a day off for me. After Boxing day I get about nine days off. It's really cold and there's not a lot to do during the break. I have to relax and not be so restless this break. Just relax, get my mind right, and bring it! It's nearly over.
Speaking of which, I did Legs & Back last night. Pat myself on the back and give myself a handshake ('cause everything is not yet lost! FNM) because I broke the barrier. 102 pull ups. Yes, baby. And I kind of did Cardio X tonight. I was tired and intensity was low so it was a bit of a waste of time. Tuesdays always seem to be a struggle. I'll try to fit in a Yoga and Ab Ripper X tomorrow sometime.
So what is Christmas in Japan like? Basically, Christmas in Japan is for young unmarried couples. Just as in ancient times, they go to KFC for ye traditional Yuletide offerings, and then they will travel from hotel to hotel, just like Mary and Joseph did, except they'll be looking for a spare room for three hours to have sex. No-one knows how KFC came to be associated with Christmas in Japan, but when KFC got a sniff of it they really pushed it in its advertising, apparently. This is decades ago. KFC is really popular here despite the fact that they don't actually use real chickens but use the offspring of rats and pigeons (according to Ben Elton). The hotels are called love hotels, and they are everywhere, and you can rent a room for a few hours for $50 or so. It's all automated so you don't have to actually meet anyone on your way in or out. You can get themed rooms, from Hello Kitty rooms to mad S&M rooms. I have heard of a room in Tokyo that has no furniture and the entire floor of the room is covered with dirt. If this room doesn't actually exist, you have to ask, why not?
Tomorrow is the Emperor's birthday holiday, but I have to work. I don't know much about the royal family here. They all look the same. A month or so ago they had a concert to celebrate the 20th year of the reign of the current Emperor, Hirohito's son. They held it at night outdoors, and they had the Emperor and his wife (they must both be in their 70's) stand on a nearby bridge and watch the concert, featuring all the latest boy bands and cute singers. How they stood there for what must have been an hour and a half watching these shitty performers promoting their new singles astounded me. Respect for that. Poor guy's a prisoner of history.
Technically I haven't bought my wife or sons anything for Christmas. In terms of my wife, the policy we seemed to have developed is that in the months approaching a birthday or Christmas, we can each make a big ticket purchase, and the other will say "That's your (Christmas) present." For example, my wife's birthday is in late September, and in August she bought some Birkenstock sandals. Bang. There's your birthday present, I said. Happy birthday or whatever. I can do this because it's my money that she's using. When you think of it, her Christmas or birthday present to me is just letting me buy something without the grief. I'll take it. As for my kids, we only recently gave Jo Jo the gift of life. That's his Christmas right there. Will has gifts from his grandparents, his Auntie Leigh, and others, so there you go. Does he need any more? No. I think Junko bought them something, anyway.
Monday, December 21, 2009
R2 Day 73 - Shoulders & Arms, ARX
Yo, wassup? Shoulders & Arms today, and then Ab Ripper X. I watched a few youtube videos of people doing Ab Ripper X and failing miserably, which made me feel great. I powered through it. This was the first time I've done Shoulders & Arms for a couple of months, and it is a little disheartening to see that my numbers haven't changed from the last time I did it, considering that I have been working out nearly every day in between. The thing is though, I haven't been doing the exact same exercises, so that's why. They body is an amazing thing. Actually, I did improve on the biceps curls, because I have been doing them in other workouts, but that's all.
Junko took the kids to an outlet shop in the afternoon, so after my workout I went to Matsuya. How to describe Matsuya? Think of it as MacDonald's for middle aged men. No playground, no characters, no toys. No fancy burgers or chips. Just beef on rice. And cheap! For 420 yen (about $4 US) I got: A bowl of salad, a bowl of ho
t miso soup, a bowl of hot beef on rice (gyuudon), and a cup of hot tea. Then you've your condiments like ginger strips, soy sauce, and salad dressing. Not bad! You walk in, buy a ticket at the vending machine, then sit down and give the ticket to the waitress/cook (talking is optional) and wait. I had to wait five minutes today, which is outrageous. They messed up my order. Usually it's ready in one or two minutes. Often, in the city, competing gyuudon chains have price wars, and a bowl of gyuudon can fall to around $1. Crazy times. I love Matsuya. I'm not crazy about the bigger gyuudon chain Yoshinoya, which you may have heard of (they have a few stores overseas) because you don't get the free bowl of miso soup that you do with every order of gyuudon like at Matsuya, and they don't have the vending machine system. You actually have to order what you want to the waitress/cook, which can be difficult if you can't read the menu, and you have to settle the bill after the meal, which means if they are busy you might have to wait a minute or two to get their attention before you can pay. They nearly went down a few years ago after a Mad Cow scandal in America stopped imports, while Matsuya surged because they use only Aussie beef, or so they say. If you're going to either of these places though, product quality is obviously not your main concern.
Then for dinner we all went out to eat at an Okonomiyaki restaurant, Great Grandmother's shout. My wife and her sister are always inviting her out to dinner because she pays. I used to feel bad about it, she's 80-something yea
rs old and she can't really eat anything but noodles and rice, while my wife and her sister go to town on her coin. But her husband was a councilman and she still gets his pension even though he died like 5 years ago, so she's loaded. And she's cheap, too, my wife reminds me. If you can't beat 'em...
I have to say, Okonomiyaki is probably my favourite Japanese food. Spare me all the sushi and cold, raw stuff. The fried "izakaya" food is awesome, and I see it's catching on in other places. And the okonomiyaki at this place was so nice. We had to wait half an hour to get a seat, which sucked, and a kid chucked right next to where we were waiting. Too much free soft drink, probably. But we finally got seated and went berserk. Here's a picture of Will sipping on his melon soda waiting for his okonomiyaki while Great Grandmother looks on, probably wondering how much this is going to set her back and if it is worth it.
Junko took the kids to an outlet shop in the afternoon, so after my workout I went to Matsuya. How to describe Matsuya? Think of it as MacDonald's for middle aged men. No playground, no characters, no toys. No fancy burgers or chips. Just beef on rice. And cheap! For 420 yen (about $4 US) I got: A bowl of salad, a bowl of ho

Then for dinner we all went out to eat at an Okonomiyaki restaurant, Great Grandmother's shout. My wife and her sister are always inviting her out to dinner because she pays. I used to feel bad about it, she's 80-something yea

I have to say, Okonomiyaki is probably my favourite Japanese food. Spare me all the sushi and cold, raw stuff. The fried "izakaya" food is awesome, and I see it's catching on in other places. And the okonomiyaki at this place was so nice. We had to wait half an hour to get a seat, which sucked, and a kid chucked right next to where we were waiting. Too much free soft drink, probably. But we finally got seated and went berserk. Here's a picture of Will sipping on his melon soda waiting for his okonomiyaki while Great Grandmother looks on, probably wondering how much this is going to set her back and if it is worth it.
Here's a picture of me from yesterday. I wouldn't exactly call this "lean", but then I've been eating my fair share of rubbish food. I'm going to try and lean out a little this last month, which might be hard to do this time of year, the traditional eating season here in Japan. Plus, it is so damn cold! My body might be reluctant to give up even the slightest bit of fat. But for what it's worth, I have stocked up on tea bags and milo at work to help me stop drinking coffee at work, and I've got some popcorn at home to help me with the chips.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
R2 Day 72 - Rest
I did Chest & Back on Thursday, Plyo and Ab Ripper X yesterday, and took a rest today. I was supposed to do Arms & Shoulders but I was really tired. Both the kids are a little sick and I think I have a bit of what they have (runny nose, raw chest) so I ditched it. I'll do it tomorrow, and maybe do Yoga and Ab Ripper X as well if I'm feeling better and if I have the time. Otherwise, I'll do Yoga on Wednesday, my rest day. My motivation is waning, and I'm struggling to get up for these workouts. I'm looking forward to the end of it.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
R2 Day 69 - Cardio X, ARX
I took a rest yesterday because I really needed a good night's sleep. I had an awful dream where I woke up and found out that Tiger had committed suicide. For a few days now I've been dreading checking TMZ or Drudge because I don't want to know what's going to happen next. Steroids has entered the picture now. Boy, when a man is down... The only illegal performance enhancing drugs that could possibly help a golfer are Beta Blockers, which dull the nerves, and there is no way Tiger is on them. Everything else might help one thing, like driving distance, but hurt another, like touch around the greens. Steroids? Tiger is big, but he has been working out every day for ten years, and that will do it. And he's not baseball big, he's just put on a lot of muscle. One curious thing is that while he is drug tested regularly by the PGA, he also drug tests himself privately. I used to think this was in case of tampering, but now, who knows. It's not like you can trust the guy anymore, is it? He could just be making sure that the drugs he's taking don't show up in any tests. I have been shocked by some of his behaviour on the course this year, especially when he bounced a driver into the crowd in Melbourne last month, but I'm going to put that down to the pressures of lying to the whole world, not 'roid rage.
I am prepared to say that not even Tiger Woods would take steroids. This is golf, not baseball. I do think he will come out and say he is addicted to sex, and painkillers, like everyone who has had any type of operation seems to be, but that is it. Please, Tiger. Don't be taking steroids.
So I got up early this morning and did Cardio X, and I did Ab Ripper X after work, and then I went to the end of year work party.
The end of year party was okay. I was late because I thought the party started at 6:20 when it was really 6:00, so I got the last seat next to T-san, the boss of the division next to ours. The problem is that when these guys get a few drinks in them, they want to try their English, which is usually terrible. Where do you from? Can you sushi? I answer them in Japanese until they give up. It's all I can do to make them stop. Then the interrogation begins. How long have you been in Japan? Is your wife Japanese? Where did you meet your wife? Do you speak English or Japanese at home? Can your son speak English? and so on. It's not that the questions are so bad, only a little nosey, it's that they always ask them without fail. They are only interested in me in terms of them. How different am I to you, is basically what they want to find out. After ten years of this, it's hard to feign interest. But on the other hand, if someone comes along and is a little different, they really get my attention. So I ditched this table as quick as I could and went and sat with my own department. It was a little more fun because there were a couple of middle-aged ladies who are good value. We got onto the subject of cleaning ears, which is a big thing in Asia. (Guys, if you ever go on a date with a hot Asian chick, make sure your ears are clean. They check.) I asked one lady if this was the reason why a lot of Japanese men grow the nail of their little finger, so they can get inside and really shovel the wax out. Disgusting, I know, but I cannot think of another reason why they do it. So I asked her, and she was like, "What? I've never seen that before. No, they don't grow their nails, that stupid." Just then, my boss joined us, and we all just happen to look at his nails at the same time, and wouldn't you know it, he's got the long little fingernail! Everybody screamed, and I'm pointing at my boss' fingernail saying See! See! She couldn't believe it. Funny stuff. Turns out my boss grows his little fingernail long because his dad does too, and he thought it was cool. Not a very satisfying answer. I left early to go and teach Nori, which was okay except I was really tired, and then I went home. Busy day.
I am prepared to say that not even Tiger Woods would take steroids. This is golf, not baseball. I do think he will come out and say he is addicted to sex, and painkillers, like everyone who has had any type of operation seems to be, but that is it. Please, Tiger. Don't be taking steroids.
So I got up early this morning and did Cardio X, and I did Ab Ripper X after work, and then I went to the end of year work party.
The end of year party was okay. I was late because I thought the party started at 6:20 when it was really 6:00, so I got the last seat next to T-san, the boss of the division next to ours. The problem is that when these guys get a few drinks in them, they want to try their English, which is usually terrible. Where do you from? Can you sushi? I answer them in Japanese until they give up. It's all I can do to make them stop. Then the interrogation begins. How long have you been in Japan? Is your wife Japanese? Where did you meet your wife? Do you speak English or Japanese at home? Can your son speak English? and so on. It's not that the questions are so bad, only a little nosey, it's that they always ask them without fail. They are only interested in me in terms of them. How different am I to you, is basically what they want to find out. After ten years of this, it's hard to feign interest. But on the other hand, if someone comes along and is a little different, they really get my attention. So I ditched this table as quick as I could and went and sat with my own department. It was a little more fun because there were a couple of middle-aged ladies who are good value. We got onto the subject of cleaning ears, which is a big thing in Asia. (Guys, if you ever go on a date with a hot Asian chick, make sure your ears are clean. They check.) I asked one lady if this was the reason why a lot of Japanese men grow the nail of their little finger, so they can get inside and really shovel the wax out. Disgusting, I know, but I cannot think of another reason why they do it. So I asked her, and she was like, "What? I've never seen that before. No, they don't grow their nails, that stupid." Just then, my boss joined us, and we all just happen to look at his nails at the same time, and wouldn't you know it, he's got the long little fingernail! Everybody screamed, and I'm pointing at my boss' fingernail saying See! See! She couldn't believe it. Funny stuff. Turns out my boss grows his little fingernail long because his dad does too, and he thought it was cool. Not a very satisfying answer. I left early to go and teach Nori, which was okay except I was really tired, and then I went home. Busy day.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
R2 Day 67 - Legs & Back
Legs & Back tonight. I did 98 pull ups, one less that last week. I was aiming at the ton, but I just couldn't get there. I was always trying to squeeze one more out at the end, but I just didn't feel as strong as I did last week.
I've seen two really good movies this week. The first one I watched was called Dear Zachary, which is a documentary made by a guy about his best friend who was murdered. I won't go into it, but I don't think I've ever been so upset watching a movie. The parents of this guy who was murdered, the nicest people in the world, and to have what happens to them happen, there is no explanation for it. The second movie I watched was 500 Days of Summer. I really enjoyed this movie. The female character could have sometimes came dangerously close to those kind of quirky, madcap Sandra Bullock type of characters, but instead both the male and female leads seemed genuine which made it enjoyable. Kind of at the other end of the scale of Along Came Polly, which is the epitome of the square-guy-meets-crazy-girl movies.
I was listening to a podcast called "Movies You Should See" and they were talking about how to spot a bad movie. Not that you might not want to avoid them (maybe you like bad movies), but how to know it's going to be bad before you see it. They all agreed, and I actually said the name out aloud a second before they did, the number one way to know that a movie will be bad is if it has this actress in it: Nicole Kidman. Why is she famous? Why is she in movies? I have no idea. Go to Wikipedia and run though the movies she's been in. It's like, shit, shit, heard it's shit, shit, boring, shit... It's incredible. I will not watch a movie if she is in it. You can put Renee Zelwegger in that category too. I won't bother watching another Adam Sandler movie either. Funny People? Not in that movie there weren't. Although Eric Bana did give us the greatest portrayal of an Australian in a Hollywood movie ever (even though the character was a douche). He wouldn't have been out of place in a Kath & Kim episode. It was really good. Anyone else? I am not going to give George Lucas any more of my money. I gave my Star Wars prequel DVDs away. They are all rubbish movies. I won't watch a movie with Harrison Ford in it anymore. That guy obviously doesn't give a shit.
In the spirit of my friend Stevie's blog, here's my top five movies of 2009 in no particular order.
Dear Zachary (though it was made last year)
500 Days of Summer
District 9
... can't think of any more that qualify. I enjoyed Valkyrie, Food Inc., and a couple others, but I'm not going to put them in a list. Moon was good. I haven't seen The Road, or The Box, which I want to see, and Avatar I want to see too. When mum found out she was sick, she ordered over $400 of books from Amazon in one hit. I think we got nine boxes. Some people go sky diving or buy a Ferrari when they find out they have terminal cancer, mum bought books. The Road was one of them, and I read it when I was down in Australia one time. I brought it back with me and I've read it a couple of times again since. I think the movie will be better because it is just so bleak and grey and hopeless, and you need that in your face the whole time or you forget what the man and the boy are up against, and how pointless staying alive is. Nick Cave does the music, which is unfortunate, but Viggo is one actor I will watch in anything. Maybe that will make the last spot on my list.
I have to say, living away from the hype in a country that has its own movies and music and TV, it's easy to lose touch with stuff, especially music. I first heard of Lady GaGa in September, and that's only because everyone was saying she had a dick. Wouldn't know a song of hers if I heard it. All those Idols and People Who's Got Talent or whatevers, pleased to remain ignorant. Anything less mainstream than that, I am no chance to hear of them. That's okay, I don't listen to music much anyway.
Anyway, I've got Cardio X and Ab Ripper X tomorrow, then a rest, maybe Yoga, and then I've finished phase 2. My diet has not changed in the slightest, though I am eating fewer chips. I definitely feel like I am forfeiting great results in exchange for chips and chocolate and coffee. For the moment that's okay, but maybe if I do Insanity after this second round of P90X I'll make the focus of this blog more about food and health that about exercise, and kind of experiment with recipes and stuff.
I've seen two really good movies this week. The first one I watched was called Dear Zachary, which is a documentary made by a guy about his best friend who was murdered. I won't go into it, but I don't think I've ever been so upset watching a movie. The parents of this guy who was murdered, the nicest people in the world, and to have what happens to them happen, there is no explanation for it. The second movie I watched was 500 Days of Summer. I really enjoyed this movie. The female character could have sometimes came dangerously close to those kind of quirky, madcap Sandra Bullock type of characters, but instead both the male and female leads seemed genuine which made it enjoyable. Kind of at the other end of the scale of Along Came Polly, which is the epitome of the square-guy-meets-crazy-girl movies.
I was listening to a podcast called "Movies You Should See" and they were talking about how to spot a bad movie. Not that you might not want to avoid them (maybe you like bad movies), but how to know it's going to be bad before you see it. They all agreed, and I actually said the name out aloud a second before they did, the number one way to know that a movie will be bad is if it has this actress in it: Nicole Kidman. Why is she famous? Why is she in movies? I have no idea. Go to Wikipedia and run though the movies she's been in. It's like, shit, shit, heard it's shit, shit, boring, shit... It's incredible. I will not watch a movie if she is in it. You can put Renee Zelwegger in that category too. I won't bother watching another Adam Sandler movie either. Funny People? Not in that movie there weren't. Although Eric Bana did give us the greatest portrayal of an Australian in a Hollywood movie ever (even though the character was a douche). He wouldn't have been out of place in a Kath & Kim episode. It was really good. Anyone else? I am not going to give George Lucas any more of my money. I gave my Star Wars prequel DVDs away. They are all rubbish movies. I won't watch a movie with Harrison Ford in it anymore. That guy obviously doesn't give a shit.
In the spirit of my friend Stevie's blog, here's my top five movies of 2009 in no particular order.
Dear Zachary (though it was made last year)
500 Days of Summer
District 9
... can't think of any more that qualify. I enjoyed Valkyrie, Food Inc., and a couple others, but I'm not going to put them in a list. Moon was good. I haven't seen The Road, or The Box, which I want to see, and Avatar I want to see too. When mum found out she was sick, she ordered over $400 of books from Amazon in one hit. I think we got nine boxes. Some people go sky diving or buy a Ferrari when they find out they have terminal cancer, mum bought books. The Road was one of them, and I read it when I was down in Australia one time. I brought it back with me and I've read it a couple of times again since. I think the movie will be better because it is just so bleak and grey and hopeless, and you need that in your face the whole time or you forget what the man and the boy are up against, and how pointless staying alive is. Nick Cave does the music, which is unfortunate, but Viggo is one actor I will watch in anything. Maybe that will make the last spot on my list.
I have to say, living away from the hype in a country that has its own movies and music and TV, it's easy to lose touch with stuff, especially music. I first heard of Lady GaGa in September, and that's only because everyone was saying she had a dick. Wouldn't know a song of hers if I heard it. All those Idols and People Who's Got Talent or whatevers, pleased to remain ignorant. Anything less mainstream than that, I am no chance to hear of them. That's okay, I don't listen to music much anyway.
Anyway, I've got Cardio X and Ab Ripper X tomorrow, then a rest, maybe Yoga, and then I've finished phase 2. My diet has not changed in the slightest, though I am eating fewer chips. I definitely feel like I am forfeiting great results in exchange for chips and chocolate and coffee. For the moment that's okay, but maybe if I do Insanity after this second round of P90X I'll make the focus of this blog more about food and health that about exercise, and kind of experiment with recipes and stuff.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
R2 Day 66 - Cardio X, ARX
Yesterday I did Back & Biceps, and today I did Cardio X and Ab Ripper X. I was meant to do Yoga today, but I owed a Cardio X from last week so I did that instead. Does that mean I owe a Yoga now? Perhaps. We'll see how I feel about it on Wednesday, my usual rest day.
Well, the end is in sight, and again I'm asking myself, what am I going to do when it's finished? Insanity is an option, but what about after that? I need a physical activity. My mate does Ju Jitsu, but he talks about how he sometimes spars with a Brazilian guy with long hair, and how he gets all caught up in this guy's sweaty hair. It almost make me puke thinking about that. I have a thing about wet other people's hair. Hiking, or mountain climbing is where I'm leaning. But what the hell do I know about mountain climbing? So I have a bit to think about in that respect.
So Tiger's quit golf. Indefinitely. To save his marriage. His marriage sounds like it is so corrupt, that it may be the corruption that is holding it together. If Tiger's not boning every single woman he can get his hands on, like he has been doing the whole time he has been married, can he stand being married and not doing that? Doubt it. God knows how bad it got. Orgies in Las Vegas, 10 to 15 women at a time is the latest rumour. I like the story of how some photograpers for the National Inquirer took photos of him screwing a waitress at the local coffee shop in his car in a church carpark, so to keep the photos from being released he did a cover shoot with their sister publication Men's Health, talking about his diet and workout regimen. Really I hate it.
Well, the end is in sight, and again I'm asking myself, what am I going to do when it's finished? Insanity is an option, but what about after that? I need a physical activity. My mate does Ju Jitsu, but he talks about how he sometimes spars with a Brazilian guy with long hair, and how he gets all caught up in this guy's sweaty hair. It almost make me puke thinking about that. I have a thing about wet other people's hair. Hiking, or mountain climbing is where I'm leaning. But what the hell do I know about mountain climbing? So I have a bit to think about in that respect.
So Tiger's quit golf. Indefinitely. To save his marriage. His marriage sounds like it is so corrupt, that it may be the corruption that is holding it together. If Tiger's not boning every single woman he can get his hands on, like he has been doing the whole time he has been married, can he stand being married and not doing that? Doubt it. God knows how bad it got. Orgies in Las Vegas, 10 to 15 women at a time is the latest rumour. I like the story of how some photograpers for the National Inquirer took photos of him screwing a waitress at the local coffee shop in his car in a church carpark, so to keep the photos from being released he did a cover shoot with their sister publication Men's Health, talking about his diet and workout regimen. Really I hate it.
Friday, December 11, 2009
R2 Day 64 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Yesterday I did Plyo and Ab Ripper X, and today I did Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. My push up numbers were a little down, and I have no idea why. I did as many as I could, and when I went to write it down I saw that it was always one or two less than last week. Weird. Everything else was good. My neck is really tight, and I have a bruised rib from when Will kneed me while we wrestled last night.
Next week we are having our end of year party at work. I say party, but I don't want to give you the wrong impression. It costs about $80, and it's all you can drink/eat, but again, don't want to give you the wrong impression. We only have a couple of hours, and the food usually stops after an hour, so I can never eat enough to feel full. We can't have a drink until after the boss makes his speech, so everyone just sits there with their beer in front of them waiting for ages. It's ridiculous. Plus, this year, one of the more popular office ladies, (or "OLs" as they are called here) is leaving the company, so she is having a going away party the week after. So all of the 'cool' people (again, wrong impression) have cancelled going to the official end of year party and are going to this farewell party. No one is going to both because they each cost so much. So there's only about half the people in my department going.
Next week we are having our end of year party at work. I say party, but I don't want to give you the wrong impression. It costs about $80, and it's all you can drink/eat, but again, don't want to give you the wrong impression. We only have a couple of hours, and the food usually stops after an hour, so I can never eat enough to feel full. We can't have a drink until after the boss makes his speech, so everyone just sits there with their beer in front of them waiting for ages. It's ridiculous. Plus, this year, one of the more popular office ladies, (or "OLs" as they are called here) is leaving the company, so she is having a going away party the week after. So all of the 'cool' people (again, wrong impression) have cancelled going to the official end of year party and are going to this farewell party. No one is going to both because they each cost so much. So there's only about half the people in my department going.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
R2 Day 62 - Rest
I actually got half way through Cardio X before I abandoned it. I was yawning all the time, and intensity was way down. So when the voice said, fuck this you're wasting your time, I agreed and went to bed. Jo is teething so he's crying a lot and I haven't had a good night's sleep for a while. So I'll do Plyo tomorrow, and then if I'm feeling okay I might do a monster workout of Cardio X and whatever is scheduled that day on the weekend or something.
I've been a little slack this week. I need to make sure I'm giving myself the best chance I can at finishing this round.
I've been a little slack this week. I need to make sure I'm giving myself the best chance I can at finishing this round.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
R2 Day 61 - Legs & Back
Legs & Back. I was one pull up short of cracking the ton, but I couldn't have done another pull up to save my life. Wow, 99 pull ups. Crazy times.
So I had my Japanese test yesterday. I had flashbacks to my year 12 exam where it also struck me half way through that test that I should have studied more. There were times when I would get three or four questions that I was sure I knew the answer to and I would think Hey! I'm going to pass! and then I would hit a bump and be guessing the next four. So it's going to be a close thing. But what if I do pass? I'll be like, wow, now I can relax and take my time and ease back on the study. Probably the best result is for me to just fail so it can spur me to get of my ass and study more. I had a beer with dinner last night to celebrate. A Sapporo Classic, only sold in Hokkaido. My Father-in-law picked up a can for me while he was there last week. First beer I've had since I got back from Australia, and the best beer I've ever had.
The test was in Toyohashi, my old stomping ground. In the room where I took the test there were 220 people, and only 3 of us were whities. A miserable looking young lady and a young dork. Most people were Chinese or Philippine. And all of them were young. I would have been close to the oldest person there. I don't know what they do here. I think all the Philippine chicks are going to be looking after the ancient Japanese living dead, which should be fun for them, but the others? Dunno. Working in factories? They're not taxi drivers or convenience store workers yet. It's still weird to walk into a convenience store or catch a taxi and know that I am the one who can't speak the language.
On the November the 8th I wrote the following. "You won't see Tiger taking steroids or involved in a nightclub shooting or smoking bongs." Now I'm not so sure. You might. You might see him go on a shooting rampage, or trying to dry hump your mother. God knows what he's capable of, how many women he's shagged, how many sex videos there are ready to surface. That's the next step, isn't it. The sex video. Him taking drugs and having a threesome or something. I told my friend this morning, I feel like a sixteen year old girl who has just found out George Michael is gay. I'm shattered.
I heard he is going to be on Oprah soon. He has to go on there and just lay it all bare, get it all out. Then he has to divorce his wife and start again, because his life is a sham.
So I had my Japanese test yesterday. I had flashbacks to my year 12 exam where it also struck me half way through that test that I should have studied more. There were times when I would get three or four questions that I was sure I knew the answer to and I would think Hey! I'm going to pass! and then I would hit a bump and be guessing the next four. So it's going to be a close thing. But what if I do pass? I'll be like, wow, now I can relax and take my time and ease back on the study. Probably the best result is for me to just fail so it can spur me to get of my ass and study more. I had a beer with dinner last night to celebrate. A Sapporo Classic, only sold in Hokkaido. My Father-in-law picked up a can for me while he was there last week. First beer I've had since I got back from Australia, and the best beer I've ever had.
The test was in Toyohashi, my old stomping ground. In the room where I took the test there were 220 people, and only 3 of us were whities. A miserable looking young lady and a young dork. Most people were Chinese or Philippine. And all of them were young. I would have been close to the oldest person there. I don't know what they do here. I think all the Philippine chicks are going to be looking after the ancient Japanese living dead, which should be fun for them, but the others? Dunno. Working in factories? They're not taxi drivers or convenience store workers yet. It's still weird to walk into a convenience store or catch a taxi and know that I am the one who can't speak the language.
On the November the 8th I wrote the following. "You won't see Tiger taking steroids or involved in a nightclub shooting or smoking bongs." Now I'm not so sure. You might. You might see him go on a shooting rampage, or trying to dry hump your mother. God knows what he's capable of, how many women he's shagged, how many sex videos there are ready to surface. That's the next step, isn't it. The sex video. Him taking drugs and having a threesome or something. I told my friend this morning, I feel like a sixteen year old girl who has just found out George Michael is gay. I'm shattered.
I heard he is going to be on Oprah soon. He has to go on there and just lay it all bare, get it all out. Then he has to divorce his wife and start again, because his life is a sham.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
R2 Day 60 - Yoga, ARX
I'm typing this while I'm watching Paranormal Activity. Holy shit. One of those movies where you just dread the nighttime. Hah!
So I did Back & Biceps yesterday and Yoga and Ab Ripper X today. I said I was going to do Plyo today, but then I thought about doing Plyo and then Legs & Back the day after and I thought no way. I'll do Plyo on Wednesday.
I had my Japanese test today. I'll write about it tomorrow at work.
So I did Back & Biceps yesterday and Yoga and Ab Ripper X today. I said I was going to do Plyo today, but then I thought about doing Plyo and then Legs & Back the day after and I thought no way. I'll do Plyo on Wednesday.
I had my Japanese test today. I'll write about it tomorrow at work.
Friday, December 4, 2009
R2 Day 58 - ARX
I didn't have the time or the inclination to do Plyo today. I'm buggered from work and a couple of late-ish nights, so I blew it off. I'll do it on Sunday, and do Yoga on Wednesday, my rest day. Ab Ripper X was good though. My form was excellent, and it really hurt.
R2 Day 57 - Chest, Shoulders & Triceps
Chest, Shoulders & Triceps today. I have to start counting the amount of push ups I do in this exercise. I think this workout is one of the best in P90X. I really enjoy it. I did it in the lounge room today because I had to look after Jo Jo while Junko took Will to puzzle school. Yes, a class where they do puzzles. Long story. So while Jo Jo pulled himself around trying to bite the dumbbells or push up bars, I did all the exercises around him. I used the proper DVDs this time and not my ipod, so I did it without the music. It's weird to think that they taped it without the music and put it in when they made the DVDs. It's so quiet, except for Tony's chatter. Makes a big difference.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
R2 Day 56 - Cardio X, ARX
Got up early this morning and did Cardio X, and then did Ab Ripper X tonight after work. It was the first time the whole round I got up early to do a workout. And by early I mean 5:30. I was struggling to stay awake at 10 in the morning sitting at my desk, but i made it to lunch and felt okay the rest of the day. My lesson with Nori was great. He has some funny stories about his year and a half in America. What a place.
Open letter to Tiger:
Honestly, I am stunned by what is going on with you. I dunno. It's not the adultery, really. Like you said, no-one's perfect, and you're only human. It's the stupidity. So you want to get your end wet. You've got all the money in the world, just get a real expensive prostitute. I'm sure there's a ultra-discreet service that caters for you billionaire athletes. You do not give your phone number to cocktail waitresses and leave voice mails and send texts about how you are going to wear them out etc. Holy shit.
Get out of there. Get out of that world. Making computer games, going on Ellen, doing ads for Gillette, hanging out with A-Rod or Charles Barkley or whatever. Drop it. They are good at their sport, you are Mozart. Genius born to play golf. What the fuck are you doing messing around with skanks who save your mails and messages for the day they can hire a publicist and sell them to the highest bidder? Your wife sounds like a bitch. Give her what she wants and leave her. Move to Europe, study your craft. Buy a factory and make your own clubs, balls, clothes. Design courses like you say you want to. Fuck Nike. You think they wouldn't dump you like a wet bag of shit tomorrow if they could? Jesus Christ, the whole world is yours and you are doing this.
Soak it up, Tiger. In a couple of weeks everyone will be looking for the scars on your face while you apologize to the millions of deadbeats like me who feel betrayed. All you have now is golf. Don't fuck it up.
Open letter to Tiger:
Honestly, I am stunned by what is going on with you. I dunno. It's not the adultery, really. Like you said, no-one's perfect, and you're only human. It's the stupidity. So you want to get your end wet. You've got all the money in the world, just get a real expensive prostitute. I'm sure there's a ultra-discreet service that caters for you billionaire athletes. You do not give your phone number to cocktail waitresses and leave voice mails and send texts about how you are going to wear them out etc. Holy shit.
Get out of there. Get out of that world. Making computer games, going on Ellen, doing ads for Gillette, hanging out with A-Rod or Charles Barkley or whatever. Drop it. They are good at their sport, you are Mozart. Genius born to play golf. What the fuck are you doing messing around with skanks who save your mails and messages for the day they can hire a publicist and sell them to the highest bidder? Your wife sounds like a bitch. Give her what she wants and leave her. Move to Europe, study your craft. Buy a factory and make your own clubs, balls, clothes. Design courses like you say you want to. Fuck Nike. You think they wouldn't dump you like a wet bag of shit tomorrow if they could? Jesus Christ, the whole world is yours and you are doing this.
Soak it up, Tiger. In a couple of weeks everyone will be looking for the scars on your face while you apologize to the millions of deadbeats like me who feel betrayed. All you have now is golf. Don't fuck it up.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
R2 Day 55 - Rest
I was really sore after Legs & Back yesterday so I took a rest. This is the only workout that still gets me. My glutes hurt, and it's difficult to sit down and walk. It's a good feeling though because it means I really brought it.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
R2 Day 54 - Legs & Back
Did Legs & Back last night. 93 pull ups. Next week I'll be gunning for 100. It's weird because at the end of the workout Tony says "and some of you have done over 120 pull ups!" I used to think he was crazy. No-one could do that many. But I hope to do that many in the last Legs & Back in a month and a bit.
I've got my Japanese test on Sunday. I'm not very confident. I wasn't able to knuckle down and study hard because... well, I could give you a reason like it's boring or I'm too busy, but I won't. I just couldn't be bothered. I'm studying a little bit, but it's aimless study. I've got next July's test on my mind now, but then six months ago I had Sunday's test on my mind, and I did nothing, so... It's disappointing, but something I will have to deal with. It's just a matter of turning study into a habit.
Tiger's situation just gets worse. If, as it is suspected, his wife hit him or scratched him during a fight, then the police in Florida have to arrest her. It's law that they have to arrest anyone who they think physically abused their spouse, regardless of whether or not their spouse consents. So basically if the police look at Tiger's wounds and decide that they weren't caused by the car accident but by his wife, then she goes to jail until her case can be heard, no bail. So Tiger is refusing to meet the police because he knows the police will be looking for exactly that, and not meeting with the police just makes it more likely that she did hit him, which means she must have been really upset, which means he must be having an affair. What a mess.
I've got my Japanese test on Sunday. I'm not very confident. I wasn't able to knuckle down and study hard because... well, I could give you a reason like it's boring or I'm too busy, but I won't. I just couldn't be bothered. I'm studying a little bit, but it's aimless study. I've got next July's test on my mind now, but then six months ago I had Sunday's test on my mind, and I did nothing, so... It's disappointing, but something I will have to deal with. It's just a matter of turning study into a habit.
Tiger's situation just gets worse. If, as it is suspected, his wife hit him or scratched him during a fight, then the police in Florida have to arrest her. It's law that they have to arrest anyone who they think physically abused their spouse, regardless of whether or not their spouse consents. So basically if the police look at Tiger's wounds and decide that they weren't caused by the car accident but by his wife, then she goes to jail until her case can be heard, no bail. So Tiger is refusing to meet the police because he knows the police will be looking for exactly that, and not meeting with the police just makes it more likely that she did hit him, which means she must have been really upset, which means he must be having an affair. What a mess.
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