I am so sore I can hardly move. Legs & Back from the other day has just destroyed the ol' glutenous maximuses. I'm looking forward to the stretch today. Kenpo X went well last night. Tony's right, the time does fly by. Worked up a good sweat. The guy who apparently helped Tony create the workout and is in the video, Wesly, is really out of shape. He dogs it the whole video. The black guy, Tony, is the guy to watch for technique. And then Ab Ripper X. The Pfiffer scissors still kill me, though I somehow always manage to do the 25 reps. I didn't finish until 11 last night, and then had my shake and watched TV for a little bit. I guess when you go to bed so soon after a workout and a protein shake you are bound to have funny dreams. My dreams have been really vivid since I started P90X again. I dreamt I was escaping from the authorities into North Korea with a bunch of other people, including, amazingly, Jimmy Bartell, who said he wanted to get away from all the fame and attention that being a superstar AFL player brought with it. Strange. Jo Jo woke me up around 4, and I could sense that Junko had had enough and wasn't going to get up herself, so I took him into my bed and he soon fell asleep. It's great sleeping with your baby. I used to do it all the time with Will, and I should do it more with Jo Jo. He woke up again two minutes before my alarm went off this morning.
Someone stole the light off my bike yesterday. It was a good one, and I had just bought new batteries for it. It was detachable, so every morning, when I parked my bike at the parking area near the station, I would think, should I take my light? Nah. Well, I rolled the dice once too often, and now it's gone. Apparently, and I've had Japanese people people confirm this, the Japanese taboo on stealing other people's shit does not apply to bicycles and umbrellas. Fair enough.
I think the Kathleen Turner character on Californication is the filthiest woman I've ever seen on TV. She reminds me of William Shatner.
Here's a photo of Will's Sports Day.
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