Wednesday: Stretch
Thursday: Yoga
Friday: Core Synergistics (a new one, lots of abs and core work apparently)
Saturday: Kenpo
Sunday: X Stretch
Monday: Core Synergistics again
Tuesday: Yoga
Wednesday: Stretch
So as you can see, No Plyo or Legs & Back, so if I take it easy and ice it after each workout, the knee should be right for Phase 2. I hope so. Once again, just like the back injury I got a couple of months ago, it makes me realize just how debilitating an injury is, and that at my age, one of these things can set me back for a long time, and maybe never be right again. It's a scary thought. Not that I'm that old, but at 35, things don't heal as well or as quickly as they did when I was 25. No matter how fit I am, a bad knee or a bad back will prevent me from doing most things.
As I wrote in my last post, I want to pay more attention to the food I'm eating. I think I'll write down and post what I eat every day, so I'm more conscious of what I'm doing. The rule is if I eat or drink it, I write it down. This way, when I'm walking past the shop on the way home and I think "I'll just grab a bag of chips" then my next thought will be "Don't forget to write it down and post it on your blog." That will enough to stop me most days. This is what I ate today.

Some good news – I found some bloody oatmeal nearby! Now I don't have to travel to Nagoya to get it. There's a supermarket called "Amika" which sells bulk items and stuff you won't find in normal Japanese supermarkets, and two boxes were hidden in the corner so I bought them both. Oatmeal for all!
On the work front, the boss has decided that he wants to improve "communication." *sigh* Do you remember the morning speeches we do every day? Chorei, it's called. Well now, after someone does a chorei, the next person has to make a comment on the chorei. Brilliant. So today F-san talked about the concept of understanding, and how people understand things. He read a book about it recently and now it's his favourite topic.
Swine flu has hit Japan, they think brought over by a high school volleyball team that toured America, and media panic has ensued. People are rushing out to get masks etc. So far it's only hit Osaka, but it's bound to come here. Like I said in a previous post, Japanese people will not take the day off work if they are sick. So it will be rampant. I think it is better to get swine flu now when it is weak and can only kill poor Mexicans. Better to get it now and get the antibodies before it passes through China and rebounds. China will toughen the virus up, that's for sure. Got some tough pigs in China.
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