Yesterday I took Will to a park, where we had a great time. I did get a little sunburnt, which is what prompted the whole subject. He ran and played for a couple of hours, and then fell asleep five minutes into the trip home. A really good day. We had lunch at a Kaitenzushi place, which is one of those sushi on a conveyor belt deals. Also you can order stuff on a touchpad, and a few minutes later a little bullet train will come around and stop at your table with the sushi you ordered loaded on it. Needless to say, Will thought this was the greatest thing he'd ever seen. His favourite sushi is Ikura, which is fish eggs on rice. I'm not too adventurous with the ol' sushi. Salmon mainly, a prawn or two, and maybe some tuna. Fried squid is nice, too. But the slimy white shit that I have no idea what it is, no thanks. That reminds me! I saw some whale meat for sale, but it was on TV shopping. Thin strips of Minx whale, vacuum sealed. It was pretty expensive, but I forget how much. So there you go. Once they have finished experimenting on it, then you can eat it.
Can Richmond's season get any worse? What if Cousins goes back on the blow? Couldn't blame him, really. What I think will happen is that Wallace will go, Wayne Campbell will step in, and Richmond will win 9 of the last 12 games or whatever and finish 9th. I really hope so. If they don't finish last, that is. That would be the optimal result. But if they do finish 9th, then Tiger supporters will have another Summer of absolutely believing to their core that Richmond are improving, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Just like the last twenty years. It's fun to watch.
I feel a bit for the Bulldogs. Why couldn't Brad Johnson play on? Why did the umpire blow time off only a couple of seconds after he took the mark? But why did he try to kick a banana? The angle was tight, but kicking a banana doesn't really make it easier, does it? Just a nice, straight drop punt would have done it. I haven't downloaded the Swans game yet, so I don't know who won. Tonight hopefully. We've gone L W L W L W L W so far. I see a pattern forming.
Oh man, I've hit the wall. It's 2 o'clock and I have completely run out of energy. I made sure I had plenty to eat today, too. I brought in a sandwich, an apple, some yogurt, and a Soyjoy bar, and they are all gone, but I feel very lethargic. I'll probably have a can of coffee soon. That should pep me up. Lunch today was a couple of bits of chicken, salad, rice, and soup. Not bad, as far as work lunches go.
I haven't played golf for more than a year! It was tough, especially the first few weeks, but somehow I did it. Now, I don't even think about playing golf anymore. In fact, if you were to offer me a round of golf right now, I wouldn't dream of saying yes.
Wait, hang on. I want to play golf. Golf is good. It's smoking I've quit. It has been more than a year since I last played golf. Absolutely ridiculous. It's a big negative of living here. I can't play golf every weekend. Breaks my heart. If I made a plus/negative list of living in Japan, it would be mightily unbalanced. I need to work on this.

So the last time I played golf was April last year. And here is a pictorial representation of the eagle I made on the 6th at The Tradition Golf Club, Okazaki (I thought it was 14, but it is the 6th. I must have played the back nine first that day). I remember I had a three footer for par on the last for a 79. You don't want to make an eagle and not break 80. That would be shithouse. I hit the put so hard that when it hit the back of the cup it popped up and made Junko's mother gasp, but it was never going to miss and it dropped in for a par and gave me a 79. Yes baby.