The first one is when I started P90 back in September last year. The second one is when I finished it in January and was about to start P90 Master. The third one is today after the last workout (with a bit of a pump going).
Apart from the general improvement in tone, the aches and pains that were really pissing me off in September last year, the aching left shoulder, the popping hip, and just the general feeling of shittyness, have all gone. I was wrestling with Will today, and I had a bit of a flashback to last year when I would be wrestling with him and just be completely overwhelmed by exhaustion and have to stop. I would say, that's enough mate, and I would make myself a coffee and go and sit outside and have smoke. But today, I totally kicked his ass. And now it's not like I think, wow, I feel great, look at all the energy I have, but I am just doing things without getting tired anymore. A flight of steps mean nothing to me anymore. They don't even enter my mind, and I'm up them and off and that's it. Before, I would plod up them and be out of breath at the top, and then think, damn, but hey, at least I didn't take the elevator like a lazy bastard. Funny how I could turn it around like I was doing something strenuous and deserved some credit. If I woke up tomorrow feeling like I did last September, I would think I have caught some awful disease and I probably go to the doctor's.
So I'm very glad that I have done this. If I hadn't have done it, I would have just got worse and worse until the doctor told me I had lung cancer, like I talked about in the first post. It was hard work, but once I had a routine going that worked, it quickly became a habit, and soon after that I looked forward to it every day. I would pick something up each day, an image or an idea that would motivate me, and keep it until I pressed play. And an hour later it was done. Every day, six days a week, seven months with a two week break over Christmas.
So I'll have another week off, and then I'll start P90X. Holy shit. To think that the photo I took today is going to be a before photo! Scary.
I liked P90 Master, but I had to add push ups, bicep curls, and the abs workout from P90 to make it worthwhile. The workouts are a little out of balance. Plyo and Cardio Intervals kicked my ass every time, but UML only goes for 40 minutes, and was pretty easy. It would be a nice routine to go back to after P90X, just to keep in touch.
So I'll take a week off, and then I'm back to work and starting P90X. I guess I'll just chill with Will and maybe go on a few bike rides, and try to eat a lot of healthy foods. I'll have to get together a group of recipes for healthy meals that I can easily find the ingredients for. Seaweed and octopus with a side dish of roots maybe.
Stevie, regarding your comment about time of conception, I have no idea when, but it must be a close call. Maybe Olivia's and Joseph's souls where next to each other on the conveyor belt.
BTW Tigers... I hoped Melbourne would beat them, but I never really believed that they could. A great result. The Tigers are funny.
Nice work Jim!! As your sister, it sounds wierd to tell you that you look hot, so lets settle with "great!!" You have worked really hard to acheive the new you and I feel inspired! You should be proud XX
ReplyDeleteWow!! How about a bit of spraytan eh.....