22/2 I'm going to have to give up on the brand of protein shake I have. All weekend I have felt constipated, and the gas build-up is tremendous. I'm going to put the sore back down to exercise, and the guts down to the protein shake. But I'm not convinced. It does feel strange. I did Sculpt last night, but only 80% which was disappointing, and I've got Sweat today. Just waiting for the big crab lunch I had at Kani Honke (The Home of the Crab, or as Will calls it, The Big Kani) to go down. It was nice.
Glad to see those two girls go on Aussie Biggest Loser. They were horrible, and would always use their kids as justification to jump down anyone's throat. Plus one of them couldn't seem to say “anything”. She always said “anyfink,” which is bullshit. "I would do anyfink for my kids." Except put the biscuits down, apparently.
22/2 A couple of hours later. I just did Sweat. Probably the best workout I've ever done. Felt great, sweating, and really powerful at the end. It's strange that after feeling so out of sorts the last few days, I can pull that one out. I remember the last few weeks of P90 feeling the same. Just about every day felt like the best workout until that point. I'm having my protein shake. To borrow a phrase from Tony Horton, it's my health crack. I only had one scoop of powder though. I don't mind the farting (other people do), but the constipation I can do without. I might buy some bran to put in my porridge.
Watching Blood and Guts, the History of Surgery, they had this chick in England. She had a week aorta wall which could have exploded at any moment and kill her instantly. They opened her up, cooled her down to 18 degrees, and drained all her blood and stopped her heart. She was basically dead. The only reason she didn't die was that her brain was so cold it didn't need oxygen to stay alive. They replaced her aorta wall with a plastic tube, pumped the blood back into her and warmed her up. The thought crossed my mind while I was exercising and my heart was working pretty hard, what if my aorta was about to explode? I could be doing this every morning and coming to within an inch of my life every time without even knowing it. I should get a heart rate monitor.
23/2 Did UML this morning. Really good. I still feel strange in the guts, and I'm looking forward to a mighty crap today. If it doesn't happen then I am in all sorts of trouble.
Last night Will and I went to the best bath house I have ever been to. It's better that any spa resort I have been to, and it gave me one of those "glad to be in Japan" moments that I need every now and then.
You walk in, and there are ticket machines to buy your tickets, a restaurant, and rooms where people can sit and eat ice-cream or lie down and watch TV or read the paper. So I bought a ticket for Will and I, about $8 for me and $5 for Will and we went in to the locker room.

When we were getting changed, this kid, about 7 or 8 I guess, was standing right next to us watching us. Not unusual. Kids often just watch me do my thing. They only see foreigners on TV. So I say to Will, say konbanwa to the kid, good evening. So Will does, and even bows a little. And this little shit just looks away all nervous. Will says it again and again, and the kid is frozen, looking away. "You're not going to answer?" I ask the kid in Japanese. The kid ignores me too. "Piss off then," I tell the kid, and he runs away. Only about half the kids respond to Will, which gives me the shits. One of these days I'm going to tell him to say hello to someone here and he's going to say "why bother?" Fair question.
Starting next week, I'm going to add the CH Top 200 abs workout to the end of three workouts a week. When I start P90X I'm going to have to be strong in the guts or I will struggle. While there is a lot of core work in P90M, there isn't much that specifically targets the abs. It adds about 8 minutes to the workout time, but I only have to get up early two mornings a week from now on until work goes back to a full week, if that ever happens.
I feel much better now. I think it was just a gas build up, and I7m pleased to say that I'm farting a lot again now. I'm assuming you're interested. Tonight I'm going to buy another brand of protein powder, and maybe also some bran cereal to put in my porridge.
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