This year is a big year. I want to try a lot of things this year. I have started another round of fitness, "Round 5 - Response Ability" which will culminate in a 15 kilometre run on Sunday, 10th April. I want to get real lean, too. I want to try to get a little "Paleo", which is a movement happening in America right now, which is about returning to how we used to live before we got all smart and shit. Lots of fruit, vegetables, meat. Few or no grains, sugar, or dairy. Also, and perhaps a little radically, no soap or shampoo! I'm going to give it a try. Apparently the first two weeks are rough, because the skin is so used to having it's essential oils and stuffed stripped away by chemicals every day that it overproduces, but once it gets used to that not happening, it sorts itself out. Of course I will still have showers and wash my hair, but just with water. And of course I will still use soap to wash my hands, because it's the most effective way to prevent colds and flue, but otherwise, let's see how we go. The last time I used soap and shampoo was... the morning of Tuesday, 11th of January. It's Saturday evening now. I'll give it two weeks. Unless I really start to stink.
Anyway, it's snowing! Yea!
Here's a pic of Will at Phillip Island.